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Mrs. Shepherd likes new pencil smell, morning hair, dodgy record covers, her husbands mutli coloured beard, scratch and sniff stickers, laughing like a witch, running on the spot, climbing up stairs with tap shoes on, her daughters, zig zag stitch, the colour red, snuggles. Mrs. Shepherd hates know it alls, big headed people at the movies. She is an artist whho lives on the mid north coast of New South Wales with her three daughters and partner in crime.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

cushions and christmas movies xx

I think i told you all about them before..
I have been having fun just hanpainting them for christmas..
however just for fun and to see if anyone even looks here at this space...hehhehehe and because i just want to have some fun
i have one handpainted cushion each for the 2 people who tell me their favourite ever christmas movie xx

Also i have a sneek peek at some work i'm working on bear in mind it's not's a work in progress...please be gentle and kind xxx
kind thoughts and licorice twists
Mrs Shepherd xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, =]
    Really very interested in your artwork, it surely is inspiring & original. ^-^
    I don't know if you remember me, we talked for a moment on the second day of your gallery opening. It was a shame I missed the first night & seeing all your other sold works in person, although even the remaining ones were amazing. Just recently seen the article in Focus Magazine by coinsidence and decided it was about time I checked out your site & more of your artworks, and might I add, they are rather wonderful.

    P.S. I might as well take the opportunity to add that 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' is my favourite ever christmas movie btw. x]

