My photo
Mrs. Shepherd likes new pencil smell, morning hair, dodgy record covers, her husbands mutli coloured beard, scratch and sniff stickers, laughing like a witch, running on the spot, climbing up stairs with tap shoes on, her daughters, zig zag stitch, the colour red, snuggles. Mrs. Shepherd hates know it alls, big headed people at the movies. She is an artist whho lives on the mid north coast of New South Wales with her three daughters and partner in crime.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

hey hey...

Long time no see :)
Happy New Year lovely people..
above is a lovely picture of kenzie (amazing daughter of coco's closet kristiexx)

boxes for new little limited prints :)
for 2010 yay!!! inquire

commission works available via my email address
prices range from
$100...depending on size and framing xx
this one above was  off four lovely little sweeties
Lily, ava,Emma and Violet x

here is one of the limited prints available in the box sets...
they are all printed on beautiful quality paper ready to be framed..i'm only doing a small run and am very excited :)
i'm also releasing this month some special new badge in particular everyone keeps asking for and that is Miss Wendie Pan hehhehe
They will be released at the Otherside gallery over the next couple of weeks and i'm sure you'll see them around the place here and there!
also don't forget to visit
as although we have stopped making the editions from 2009 there will be a whole new lot of different toys out and about in the months to come for people to collect...much more different and far more odd i'm sure heheheh just how we like it!
love love and lots of mixed lollies,
Your Mrs. Shepherd xxxx


  1. Hello, my sister has been raving on about your art and how lovely it is presented for over 6 months. She finally sent me your web address and appently purchased some broochs for me which Im looking forward to recieving. Great blog, art and words. Its all good.

  2. I love your style of art and writing. I bought some of your badges at "Bower Cafe" in Wingham.
    Your blog recommendations are great, too.
    Here's my blog address:
    if you want to have a look.
    Eve G.
