My photo
Mrs. Shepherd likes new pencil smell, morning hair, dodgy record covers, her husbands mutli coloured beard, scratch and sniff stickers, laughing like a witch, running on the spot, climbing up stairs with tap shoes on, her daughters, zig zag stitch, the colour red, snuggles. Mrs. Shepherd hates know it alls, big headed people at the movies. She is an artist whho lives on the mid north coast of New South Wales with her three daughters and partner in crime.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

so i have decided it is time to show off some of the new work i have been quietly working on.

 titled: 'it's in our hands our hearts and way down where the butterflies flutter.'

i'm trying something new and moving in a direction wherever my little heart wants to take me...and i am rather suprised at what i'm getting on paper so far, not worrying about whether i will sell them, whether other people will like them, whether i will even frame them just letting them be.
and come as they come...
it might sound all wishy washy to some, however this is a BIG thing for me because i tend to do everything....BIGGER THAN MOUNT EVEREST!!

you know if i'm going to do artwork....i'm going to do the hell outta artwork...
if i'm going to the framing place...boy am i in trouble with james...
and so just being and sitting with stuff is mighty mighty hard!
I mean as per usual all work i have on display here is for sale by enquiry...framed or unframed (smile)(chuckle)

Now back to life..
well eagerly awaiting the archibald prize announcement and can't wait to see what gets in!
i saw the packers prize winner kind of cool.
alot of meat
 i'm not a meat eating kind of girl so not so cool for me, that and i can't stop looking between that beasts legs...
and also i'm not digging a man so into chopping up some animals. but i guess who cares what i think in the end.

The Packing Room prize winner ... Vincent Fantauzzo's portrait of his friend, celebrity chef Matt Moran.

my lovely mum put an entry in this year and also my aunt...good luck girls xx we should know by after lunch whether either got in :)
it must be so nerve racking all the waiting.
 even if you don't make it remember you are such trully wonderful artists and as Ken Done said to us...
'It's just a journey we are on! Just a journey' hehehehehehehe(in house joke)

i'm going to go and curl up in my sunny spot and watch a really daggy movie just because it has Adrien Brody in it.
ooh i love an odd man.
i'll leave you with one more new image titled:
be kind to yourself sunshine

and one useless peice of information..hmmm let me see

A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair.
how odd is that??
you want another now don't you??
alrighty one more....
Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously
that one is a good one because i really want to know what dickhead decided...i know lets inject....nutmeg :)
think about it.
(we all know or knew someone that stupid! at one time)
lub you x


  1. Your on fire today. Loving the blogs. I love the first one. we have been trying to have another bub and have had two miscarriages this year and the first picture touched a cord with me and the way that not being able to bring a baby home right now makes me feel. This may not be why you painted it but this is what touched my heart when I saw it. The love and longing and hope of what lays within ourselves.

  2. that is what it is all about :)
    love longing and hope
    it's inside us all trying to come out in all sort of funny little ways...i carry mine way down deep in my tummy...
    it makes me sad that you have been having such bad luck...i will much sure i send extra love your way and much good karma my oldest dearest friend xx
    i love you
    you are always in my heart x

  3. Mrs shep, you are making me smile on a daily basis and giggle out loud. This post made me raw and roar with laughter.

    love much
