My photo
Mrs. Shepherd likes new pencil smell, morning hair, dodgy record covers, her husbands mutli coloured beard, scratch and sniff stickers, laughing like a witch, running on the spot, climbing up stairs with tap shoes on, her daughters, zig zag stitch, the colour red, snuggles. Mrs. Shepherd hates know it alls, big headed people at the movies. She is an artist whho lives on the mid north coast of New South Wales with her three daughters and partner in crime.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


when i hear them coming fast and rolling in like the waves on the shore only not as has begun...
I told someone i would easily give away a finger for it's removal.
But now it's a part of me.
It is me.
It is who i spend all if not most of my time with..My head.
Never a dull moment...never the time..
And so i have learnt to live with it..and in a way love it. grow with it..
trust that it will take me somewhere new, and make me someone with whom i truly want to be and spend time with...alot of time. cause lord knows...I'm not going anywhere.


  1. I love this post. Mrs Sheps the best! This blog has seriousness and fun. Thats what I like!



  2. Hey, Naomi!

    I've missed your blogs...

    AND, I think I have just worked out how to leave a comment... I think.


  3. Sweety, making you something special with so much love my hearts gunna bust. theres gunna be little bubbles of love all over the floor and i reckon they are gunna escape under my front door and make their way to you. people will pass them on the road and say "oh thats sheps luv bubbles" ....
