My photo
Mrs. Shepherd likes new pencil smell, morning hair, dodgy record covers, her husbands mutli coloured beard, scratch and sniff stickers, laughing like a witch, running on the spot, climbing up stairs with tap shoes on, her daughters, zig zag stitch, the colour red, snuggles. Mrs. Shepherd hates know it alls, big headed people at the movies. She is an artist whho lives on the mid north coast of New South Wales with her three daughters and partner in crime.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

 good gosh Miss Scott...

Every once in a while there come along people whom inspire us.
people whom trigger us...
put the wind in our sails and set us soaring.

and if we reach up high enough, we just might meet them in the middle somewhere xx 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kitten. Im purrin that made my day. The sun shines again!! Love miscott
